New Hain MEA 20 Foot Measuring Device



The Hain Company model HC 1220 measuring device moves from 1 foot to 20 feet length in seconds, fits any upcut saw, chop saw or pull saw. Twenty-foot-long system, accurate within .010 of an inch. Aluminum extrusion stop rail and stop blocks, 1/4 HP linear actuator, steel stops with polished steel internal parts. Can be built either right- or left-hand feed. Roller conveyors, longer or custom length measuring devices and manual version of the MEA are also available at an additional charge. Ideal for cutting engineered wood (EWP). 110 V, 1 phase electrical.

Typical length configurations include:

20-foot-long: $7,990 (base price)

40-foot-long: $13,300 (base price)

50-foot-long: $15,700 (base price)

60-foot-long: $18,200 (base price)

Axo view of typical long EWP cutting station PDF